What is a Transfer Station?
Waste Transfer stations are where you can dispose of your house clean-outs, demolition debris, yard waste, concrete/dirt, and recyclable materials.
East Penn Sanitation, Inc is also a Pennsylvania DEP permitted transfer station open to the public for easy and convenient trash disposal. PA DEP Permit #101358.

Key Transfer Station Services:
- A convenient and affordable place to dispose of various wastes
- Recycling of assorted materials available
- The dumping area is inside and under-roof for easy in and out. No landfill mess!
- Paved roads to minimize dirt and dust on your vehicle
- Reasonable rates
- Personal safety equipment for sale on site
The following materials are not permitted for disposal at the Transfer Station:
Tires, Batteries, Electronics, Liquids, Paints, Varnishes, Flammables/Combustibles, Sludges, Pressure Treated Lumber, Asbestos or Fuel Contaminated Wastes (unless pre-approved), Unidentifed Wastes or Drums, and Mattresses. The customer is wholly responsible for any and all damages and/or fines incurred by these materials dumped at this facility.
Open to the public
Monday through Friday 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
The latest weigh-in is at 2:30.
PHONE: 610 759-8018 (Scalehouse only)
EAST PENN SANITATION, INC.’S ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY: The environmental policy states East Penn Sanitations’ overall intentions and direction related to its environmental performance as formally expressed by top management. The environmental policy provides a framework for action and for the setting of environmental objectives, environmental targets, and metrics.
The EPS Environmental Policy
- 1. compliance with all applicable environmental legal and other requirements,
- 2. accurate accounting of solid waste and recyclable materials
- 3. the proper identification of waste and recyclable materials throughout the site,
- 4. effective internal and external reporting of solid waste and recyclable materials
- 5. efficient and economic use and reuse of natural resources
- 6. continual improvement of operations and the management system,
- 7. continual improvement of employee performance
- 8. prevention of pollution,
- 9. profitable management of all activities.

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